Nov 11, 2021

Heading off on a road trip? Or maybe just concerned about your vehicle’s well being as we head into winter? One simple thing you can (and should!) do at home frequently is check your oil. In a perfect world, everything will be fine between routine oil changes, but it’s still important to check so you can catch any potential issues before they become a big problem. Check out the video below if you’re unsure how to do it yourself. We promise, it’s easy enough for anyone to do!

The biggest things you’re looking for here is low oil, below the “safe zone” notches indicated in the video, or discoloration. Your oil should be a translucent yellow or light brown. Keep your eyes peeled for a dark color or a shiny, metallic look to the oil. If you notice any issues when checking your oil, have questions about how to do it, or have any other service needs, feel free to call us at 970-353-5333 or schedule your appointment at!